For bugs, suggestions, requests, etc.. you can write in the forum or in my blog.
You can write in English, Italiano or Spanish :)
See "What is Arch Linux" on ArchWiki here.
ArchOne is Arch Linux (32bit, i686 version).
The packages, commands, print to boot, installation, etc... are the same of Arch Linux.
The only differences are the selection of the software and configurations in /etc, that are in use on my aspire one.
You can set layout with setxkbmap, eg: "setxkbmap it
" for Italian layout.
See man setxkbmap
However, if you decide to install ArchOne, you'll be prompted to set your layout correctly during installation (step configure system).
Run ArchOne in live mode. Then open a shell and run: sudo /arch/setup
Obviously, once you have installed it you will find all customizations.
Probably it's a problem of hooks. See Mkinitcpio on ArchWiki.
Every 30 mount, a partition is checked to find errors. There are situations where you would like this doesn't happen.
Eg: you have to project a slide and you have to do it fast, or you have little time and you just check the email.
For all those special occasions, you can boot Linux without checkdisk.
Use at your own risk: this boot is fine if rarely selected: you should select standard boot every day.
Arch Linux is a rolling release: the packages are always updated to the latest version.
To upgrade, simply run: sudo pacman -Syu
All these problems don't concern ArchOne, but Arch Linux.
You can ask and search in their forum, or in the Arch Linux bugs section.